**UPDATE** Found out there was an error in my deck list xD forgot some numbers *cough cough*
So, I decided to post a Crystal Beast build that I am going to build. It’s still in testing stages so help is appreciated. Thank you
Monsters (14)
- 3 Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
- 2 Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle
- 3 Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
- 3 Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger
- 3 Thunder King Rai-Oh
Spells (22)
- 3 Ancient City – Rainbow Ruins
- 2 Crystal Abundance
- 2 Crystal Beacon
- 3 Crystal Blessing
- 2 Crystal Promise
- 3 Crystal Release
- 1 Crystal Tree
- 3 Rare Value
- 1 Terraforming
- 1 Dark Hole
- 1 Monster Reborn
Traps (4)
- 3 Horn of the Phantom Beast
- 1 Torrential Tribute
I Decided to make a crystal beast deck mainly for the new XYZ monsters. Carbuncle special summoning all of those crystal beasts is just too good to pass up. Also, since there are beast type crystal beasts, I am able to splash in 3 Horn of the Phantom beast.
Just a quick note : with Horn Topaz Tiger becomes a 2800 attacker. Wow!! XD