Sunday, August 7, 2011


So after the sneak peak and some trades I decided to make a Fabled deck. I honestly never even took a look at the archetype in depth but made a deck with what I got/traded for. Also, constructive criticism is advised xD  Here’s the deck list :

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Monsters (33)

  • 3 Fabled Raven
  • 3 Fabled Grimro
  • 3 Fabled Kushano
  • 2 Fabled Soulkius
  • 3 Fabled Krus
  • 2 The fabled Peggulsus
  • 2 The Fabled Cerburrel
  • 1 The Fabled Catsith
  • 1 The Fabled Nozoochee
  • 3 Level Eater
  • 3 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
  • 3 Magical Merchant
  • 1 Stygian Street Patrol
  • 1 Morphing Jar
  • 1 Sangan
  • 1 Glow-up Bulb

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Spells (7)

  • 2 Pot of Avarice
  • 1 Charge of the Light Brigade
  • 1 Card Destruction
  • 1 Foolish Burial
  • 1 Monster Reborn
  • 1 Giant Trunade


Extra Deck: (15)

  • 1 Stardust Dragon
  • 1 Scrap Dragon
  • 1 Ancient Sacred Wyvern
  • 1 Gaia, The Force of Earth
  • 2 Hyper Librarian
  • 2 Black Rose Dragon
  • 1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
  • 1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
  • 1 Mist Wurm
  • 2 Fabled Ragin
  • 1 Fabled Unicore
  • 1 Fabled Valkyrus

That’s the deck list. As you can see, there’s a very high monster count, no traps, and a small amount of spells. This is because I want to utilize Magical Merchant’s ability to dump a large amount of cards to the grave to fuel for avarice and to get needed cards to the grave.  Soulkius starts combos with Level Eater, Stygian Street Patrol, Glow-Up Bulb, Kushano etc. This is just an experimental build so help is appreciated! thanks!


  1. For Merchant builds, I would recommend maxing out Pot of Avarice and Graveyard effects (like Necro Guardna).

    If you want, you could look into such cards as Doppel Warrior and Plaguespreader Zombie to help you a bit.

  2. awesome! thanks! what do you think should go out? haha and also since Soulkius is a "Send" not "Discard" i wouldn't get krus/Catsith/etc effect right?

  3. The Fabled Soulkius sucks cock even if he doesn't activate the other The Fabled effects because he's worded as "send", not "discard.

    33 monsters ( 36 if you're counting the two PoA and Reborn) only makes the deck inconsistent.

    Run something like this:
