Hey Christian here I just wanted to update my viewers with some information.
- First off I would love to buy your damaged “expensive” cards.
- For example : You know that damaged Mirror force? Solemn? Brionac? Stardust? Yes, the one that makes you feel like you have to wash yourself after touching it. I would love to buy that off of you. Just give me an email ( sdctenorboy@yahoo.com ) with the price, card name, and some details about the damage. We’ll work things out.
- Second, For you viewers who want to save money.
- Do you find yourself…
- Wishing gas prices were cheaper?
- Traveling soo much but the money in your pocket isn’t sufficient enough to support the gas needed for those trips? YCS tournaments, Trips with friends, etc.
- If there was a way for you to NEVER pay for gas again would you be interested?
Thank you again to my viewers for your support!