Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gold Series 4

So just a really quick post on gold series 4 actually... A few words to be exact.

It's, in my opinion, a big Waste of... Time/Money/material/etc

Soooooooo if you wanted to break even when buying a gold series 4 pack, you would NEED to pull the elusive doom cal knight.

^^;;; yeaaa I'll write more about this after my class.


  1. Some people would want the mat. And also, I think its too early to make the assumption that it would be very difficult to profit from it. :P

  2. Well I mean a lot of the cards are already fairly easy to obtain as other rarities and I personally would have preferred some mainstream commons getting their first holo treatment and some exclusives getting gold rare so that other countries can get a shot at using them ^^;;

    But as they say... beggars can't be choosers haha
